Subject: AUDVIS: V1.0 MultiMedia Tracking Author: N. A. Stewart Uploaded By: Date: 3/30/1997 File: AUDVIS.EXE (855598 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33221 baud): < 7 minutes Download Count: 92 Needs: VBRUN300.DLL, Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 Keywords: Stewart, Database, VB, Win31, Win95 This file is self-extacting, requires 2,340,644 bytes Type: Shareware This file requires VBRUN300.DLL, the Visual Basic run time module. If you do not have this file in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory, to download it, use keyword QUICKFIND, then type: VBRUN. This program will NOT work with VBRUN100.DLL or VBRUN200.DLL. Uploaded by the author. If you are looking for fun and easy software to help you in keeping up with you multi-media investments, such as CDs, records, and tapes - then you have found it!!! Audio-Visual Multi-Media Tracking System was design to have the task of tracking you media collection interesting, yet meaningful with colorful interface screens. For support, contact the author directly at AOL screen name: NStewart33 To install, run the AUDVIS.EXE file. Then run the included SETUP from the extracted files. To run, launch: AUDVIX.EXE or run from its Windows program icon. Documentation: README.TXT plus Online Help